Saturday 1 October 2011


I think the worst thing about having a big secret, is that people always find out, always.
When push comes to shove, i've done a lot of things in my life that i shouldn't have, but this was something much bigger, much bigger than me or anyone else in my life. I will never look back and think "good decision", i will never ever. Because in reality, i despise every part of my being for what i did. I hate it. And now people, even if it is only a few know, it's not right. And although people sympathise, you can't understand it. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but nothing anyone says can make that better. There's no way doing it. Every day, you see constant reminders of it. And i am sickened to my stomach. Want my advice? Seriously think about what that next step that you're taking is going to do to your life.

Friday 22 July 2011

Lets have a coffee and a catch up.

It's 00:49 on the 23rd of July.

In roughly 12 day and around 6 and a half hours i will receive my exam results. SHOCKA. Two B's to get into Aberdeen, one B to get into Stirling. EEP. Fingers crossed for all that malarky. If i don't get in i'll travel and see the world. Might even still defer my place and do that. Who knows eh?

Happily in love. FUCK DA HATERZ! He makes me a better person and never fails to make me smile. Job done.

My friends are all over the shop. I love them. Not all of them are all quite right, but hey ho, neither am i! BOOYA.

My medication is slightly problematic, but not enough to stop me BABEH! I get tired and my emotions go sky hiiiiiiigh, but what of it?! Things could be a lot worse.

All round things are pretty good, nothing's ever perfect. But that doesn;t mean there's not always a bright side. Love ya's.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

No matter what...

My friends are the most important thing in my life and i will back them no matter what. Nothing means more to me. No bitches sly comments will ever stop me. My friends are the best. No discussions about it.

Saturday 1 January 2011

one seven

Seventeen baby!

Look out for me on the roads!