Friday 28 May 2010


Exams are over!
My life is officially good.
Amazing friends, boyfriend and family.
The Beauty of Life gives me hope :D

Wednesday 12 May 2010


Enlgiiiish exam today....resit i think! MEGALOLZ! jpjp!

ah well life goes on eh! xxx

Saturday 1 May 2010


Today when I was working an adorable older couple came through my line. When I asked if they had found everything they needed, the woman looked at her husband and said "I found everything I needed 43 years ago." GMH.

that right there, is what every girl wants!

gives me hope

for whenever you feel like life's tough, is one of the most inspirational and uplifting websites i know of.
it makes you see quite how lucky you are and restores your faith in humanity :)
life is brilliant, no matter what.