Wednesday, 29 December 2010

The big one.

Two days time, it'll have been a year. Still find it cute that it was on new years. We've had our ups and downs through the year, but we love each other, and we got through them.

I'm not scared to say i love him even though i'm supposedly too young to feel such strong feelings. Because like they say "when you know, you know!"

I light up when i see him and i know that no matter what, i can go to him with anything.

Stefan Brzeski. You are my superstar.

When you were battling against your illness at such a young age, you were always smiling and keeping us cheery. You give me hope.

We miss you buddy.


I love my password, it's like two years old and reminds me of old times. Person in question may not mean much now but they did at the time and that's what it's all about isn't it?

I was gonna make a new one but what's the point? 1) I'll just end up forgetting it. and 2) i'm not sad or upset about that part of my life, it was fun.

So to that person, i'll always have a wee soft spot for you, and this will always remind me of that.

Monday, 29 November 2010


Snow has made me a hostage in my own home. What has my sorry, sorry life become?

NAAAT. loving it.

Back to back inbetweeners, never mind the buzzcocks and russell howard's good news.
These boring days are becoming great.

Missing ma gals though. all da fongz in dis world ar not been pinged LOL.
(fuck me, i'm 16 years old and i'm talking like that. is there no hope?!)

"Peace out suckaaaas!"

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Personal Statement

I was thinking of writing roughly something like this....

"Pick me"

I'll see how that goes.

Sunday, 5 September 2010


Scariest thoughts ever. Exactly how are we supposed to know what to do with life at 16. Screw the system and all it stands for!

Saturday, 28 August 2010


Chocolate brownie.
Disney Channel.
House to myself.
Hollister website.
Nail Polish.


Tuesday, 3 August 2010

gimmee some...

Twin Atlantic.

Take a hand and hold on tight 'cos
This is what we'll do, we'll stick together.

song and a half.


If it weren't for about five people there i would be well and truly insane!

Thursday, 29 July 2010


oh lord....

what to do?

Gemma you silly silly child.

But i had fun!

Friday, 2 July 2010


Time sure flys when you're having fuuuuun!

Six brilliant months, roll on many more :)

Friday, 25 June 2010


Kylie Minogue - All the Lovers.

Now that's a song :)

Friday, 11 June 2010

To all those.....

-who think badly of themselves, you are brilliant.
-who don't like the way they look, you are beautiful.
-who feel alone, you alway have me.
-who need a shoulder, it is right here.

I think it's my turn to give back now :)

Friday, 28 May 2010


Exams are over!
My life is officially good.
Amazing friends, boyfriend and family.
The Beauty of Life gives me hope :D

Wednesday, 12 May 2010


Enlgiiiish exam today....resit i think! MEGALOLZ! jpjp!

ah well life goes on eh! xxx

Saturday, 1 May 2010


Today when I was working an adorable older couple came through my line. When I asked if they had found everything they needed, the woman looked at her husband and said "I found everything I needed 43 years ago." GMH.

that right there, is what every girl wants!

gives me hope

for whenever you feel like life's tough, is one of the most inspirational and uplifting websites i know of.
it makes you see quite how lucky you are and restores your faith in humanity :)
life is brilliant, no matter what.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

On a rainy day..

It's a fairly disgusting day tbh. But that can't bring me down, you better believe it!
With a little bit of Lady Gaga blaring, no make-up, hair flung into a pony tail....may the happiness commence.
Exams come second to just fucking LIFE! What on earth is the point of five A's if you can't just live a little bit?!
I'm not gonna be moody, or bitchy, or grumpy. I'm gonna be meeeeeeee ;;

"sometimes i feel like i live in grand central staaaation" :)

Friday, 26 February 2010

Starting Again

Deleted all my other blogs. figured that was then and this is now. probs won't write but no point living in the past eh!